
Seaweed: the Arctic's underwater vegetable garden

Why and how they created Lofoten Seaweed will be the main theme of a talk during which we will also gain an insight into the potential of seaweed.

Tamara and Angelita will tell their story and the story of their business, and also how they create their products and extract 10 tonnes of seaweed each year by hand. They use carefully revised gathering and monitoring methods in order to ensure healthy regeneration and minimum impact on marine life. They only gather seaweed in the cleanest water, far removed from human activity.

Almost 500 of the 12,000 different species of seaweed found around the world grow in Norway. Paradise for businesses such as Lofoten Seaweed.



Vocento Gastronomía

Main Sponsor

Cabildo Tenerife Tenerife

Sustainable Partner


Official Supplier

Aquanaria Makro




AlimentosdEspaña Cervezas Victoria Ecoalf El Locero Hyundai La Brújula La Calabacera Le Noveau Chef