Round table

Zero wastage in a sea where nothing is discarded

At this round table we will be discussing the fight against food wastage.

Every year millions of tonnes of food are thrown away, including sea produce. We will be discussing how to get the very best out of parts of fish to prevent some sections being discarded, or not being used due to deterioration. The fight against food wastage has become a priority, and many chefs have joined initiatives to make consumers aware of the importance of moving towards zero wastage, a measure which also extends to sea produce.



Vocento Gastronomía

Main Sponsor

Cabildo Tenerife Tenerife

Sustainable Partner


Official Supplier

Aquanaria Makro




AlimentosdEspaña Cervezas Victoria Ecoalf El Locero Hyundai La Brújula La Calabacera Le Noveau Chef